Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Lone Ranger and Tonto begins with Victor being woken up by a "hurricane".

The first couple of pages the only hurricane I see are the family dynamics.  His uncles are having an incredibly loud fistfight outside.  One of my favorite quotes from this section at the bottom of page 2 is "He could see his uncles slugging each other with such force that they had to be in love."  This quote makes me think of how much abuse Victor's family has seen.  Is it a common excuse when people get into a fight?  They just fight because they love each other so much?  Or is it that only people who love each other can fight like that?  That they are so passionate about each other that they just unleash their emotions like a tropical storm?  Just some thoughts while first starting the book.

While reading this book, I feel like this entire thing is a hurricane.  Just a swirling storm of emotion and life and loss.  I just go back to the movie "Smoke Signals" where there is just so much.  So much of the past to come to terms with, so much of the future to look forward to.

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