Monday, February 13, 2012

Belo Monte

In our class we talk about the displacement and genocide of the American Indians in the U.S.  I just found an article that confirms that mistreatment of the native people of the world is still occurring: link.

That link will take you to an article regarding the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant that the President of Brazil has just okayed which will displace thousands of the Kayapo Indian Tribe that lives on the Xingu river.  Not only will the construction of this project uproot these people, but it will destroy 500 sq km of land due to flooding.  With all of that aside, it will also affect the rainforest's ecosystem.  Overall, probably the worst idea I've encountered today--and I had a dream that involved Ahi Tuna steaks with icing and blue sprinkles.

This coincides with the age old reason behind uprooting any civilization--lust.  Lust for land, for more resources, for control.  A need to wholly control an area and not caring one bit who it affects.

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